ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Legend (Federated/PUBLIC)

GroundsBench (6)
Unknown Unknown
Concrete Concrete
Metal Metal
Other Other
Stone Stone
Wood Wood
BikeLockersAndHouses (8)
Bike House Bike House
Bike Locker Bank Bike Locker Bank
BikeRackGroups (9)
Uncovered Uncovered
Covered Covered
Buildings with Bike Rooms (10)
Bollards (11)
Aluminum Aluminum
Concrete Concrete
Rock Rock
Sleeve Sleeve
Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Steel Steel
Unknown Unknown
Wood Wood
Buildings (12)
DialARide (21)
DialARide (20)
Orange (Central) Orange (Central)
Green (East) Green (East)
Blue (North) Blue (North)
Purple (South) Purple (South)
Yellow (West) Yellow (West)
ElectricVehicleChargingStations (22)
Available Available
Unavailable Unavailable
Tree Locations Available for a Memorial (24)
Potential Benches Available for a Memorial (43)
Existing Benches Available for a Memorial (23)
Memorial Benches (25)
MemorialTrees (26)
Brockman Memorial Tree Tour Brockman Memorial Tree Tour
Historical Historical
Memorial Tree Memorial Tree
Trees of Seattle Trees of Seattle
Wildlife Tree Wildlife Tree
MotorcycleStalls (28)
ParkingSignage (31)
Commercial Trucks Commercial Trucks
Facilities Services Facilities Services
Food Service Food Service
Loading Loading
Physical Plant Physical Plant
Service Service
University University
Roads (36)
Cleared Cleared
Closed Closed
In Progress In Progress
Removal Efforts Concluded Removal Efforts Concluded
Snow Accumulation Snow Accumulation
Sidewalks (35)
Cleared Cleared
Closed Closed
In Progress In Progress
Removal Efforts Concluded Removal Efforts Concluded
Snow Accumulation Snow Accumulation
Traffic Cameras (34)
Parking Lot Status (33)
Cleared Cleared
Closed Closed
In Progress In Progress
Removal Efforts Concluded Removal Efforts Concluded
Snow Accumulation Snow Accumulation
PublicTrees (37)
Broadleaf Evergreen Broadleaf Evergreen
Conifer Conifer
Deciduous Deciduous
Deciduous Conifer Deciduous Conifer
Palm Palm
SalvagedTrees (38)
Undefined Undefined
Future Future
Log Log
Milled Milled
Drying Drying
Product Product
No Value No Value